Thursday, July 22, 2010

An unexpected harvest

Let's say you're going on vacation for a week or so.

If you have a Roma Tomato plant in your garden, do not leave it unattended.

If you do, when you return, the plants will be loaded with fruit.

Loaded with fruit that looks suspicously like.....

Yellow Pear Tomatoes!

Not the Romas I was anticipating. Not even close.

So much for delicious homemade red sauce.

Any recipes for Yellow Tomatoes?

Oh, and those Red Bell Peppers I planted?

They're sneaky too.

If you turn your back, they produce these......

My guess is that they're really Anaheim Peppers.

Any recipes for those?

Well, at least my other tomatoes are behaving themselves.

I think it's Salsa time!


jillytacy said...

Looks delicious! I have a mango salsa recipe posted on my blog and I can give you a fresh salsa recipe I love. It uses red tomatoes. Let me know if you want it.

My Sew Sweet Studio said...

Well they are abundant and delicious looking even if they were a surprise. I love home grown tomatoes more than anything.