He had other ideas.
"Mommy, you need to make her a crayon roll and a tote bag. And I can help!"
Well, of course I have to. What was I thinking?
Did I mention that we had this conversation the night before the party?
What to do, what to do......better toss on the Super Mom cape!
When present time rolled around, the mom picked up the (rolled up) crayon roll and asked what it was. Nathan very proudly said, "It's a crayon roll. My mom made it.".
Awww. :)
Cool choice Nathan and good job for giving your mom credit. I've been giving tote bags as gifts for awhile now. I like the crayon tote idea too.
I've gotta tell you, my kiddo is 10and it's still the coolest thing ever that hers is the "crafty" mom. I'm a consistent guest "crafter" at Girl Scouts, and our house is a coveted sleepover location as the girls always know that there WILL be crafts. LOTS of crafts. Way to go super-mom!
How cool is that! Little man giving you props! Was it that he wanted you to make something special for the girl or just his way of avoiding shopping??? LOL!
Your little one has good taste! He'll be a wonderful boyfriend some day -- but don't think about that yet. :)
What an adorable gift! And how sweet Nathan was for passing out mom props (in front of all his friends and everything!)
Your crayon roll is adorable, what a good idea to put a flap, the pattern I have doesn't have one.
How about a tutorial?!?
that is the cutest present. You are such a good mom!!!
I love these as gifts. I'm sure he was really proud you made it.
Cheers! LA
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